Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Mount Chesmill
- Location: Kananaskis Country (Highway 742)
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,829 m (9,282 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,100 m (3,609 ft)
- Distance: 10.5 km / Loop (6.5 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 11.8°
- Estimated Time: 5-7 hrs
- Technicality: Intermediate
- Fitness Level: Moderate
Note: My GPS track is incomplete as I run out of battery, but most of the way is recorded.
After Read’s Tower from last weekend, I had better idea how much snow in K. Country. So this week, I went for little bit harder one. So I picked unnamed peak at GR239274. Yes it’s that peak between Chester and North Kent. So I nicknamed Mount Chesmill.
I wasn’t sure which approach would be better so I decided to take familiar approach from Sawmill Parking. Followed trail R/Y/G which became Y/G. I don’t remember seeing a cairn but from previous trip here there should be a cairn after 1.9 km from the parking to indicate a trail to James Walker. Turn right on this trail. Comparing ascent and descent route (descent route is not recorded at this point), I suggest following this trail to James Walker until the first drainage from Kent Outlier. This is where you should go off-trail and go across James Walker Creek. Because two drainages meet roughly the same spot, bushwhacking is minimized here. Once at north side of the creek, I took south ridge to the waypoint “Sub Peak” (page 4). This ridge had similar feature as its neighbor Kent Outlier (page 7). I had to lose maybe 50 m from sub peak to col. From col it was rubble slog to the summit. It was just like North Kent!!
For descent, I chose to take drainage from the col then went back to James Walker trail. The drainage can be alternate ascent route I think. In fact the drainage was about steady 15-20 degrees unlike south ridge route which was steep at bottom.
I won’t recommend this once avalanche becomes real concern.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Panorama from Sawmill parking lot. This parking got some good view…
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Ok, this is official, winter scrambling is here.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
South ridge to a small sub peak.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Hummm -22. Thanks to the cold snap we had, -22 didn't feel too cold.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
First time to see sunny view in this area. When I did North Kent Outlier or North Kent, the weather wasn't nice.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Summit of sub peak and summit of Mount Chesmill. From right of Chesmill, Mount Inflexible, Kent Ridge North Summit, North Kent Outlier.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
I met two Cyclops. They were staring at me. They really do have only one eye!!
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Mount Chester and The Fortress on left of Chesmill.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
See it's North Kent deja-vu!!
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Looking back sub peak and Spray Mountains.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Looking the true summit from false summit.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Where is my crazy carpet?
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
UFO picking up an unfortunate hiker. The hiker will be studied by aliens.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
Snow surface was hard enough to support my weight except occasional break through.
Mount Chesmill | 2010-11-27
This trip took longer than I expected… I only excise once in past two weeks. I guess I paid the price…