Stanley Glacier | 2009-01-17
Stanley Glacier
- Location: Kootenay National Park
- Activity: Snowshoeing
- Height: 1,950 m (6,398 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 310 m (1,017 ft)
- Distance: 10.5 km / Round Trip (6.5 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 3.4°
- Estimated Time: 3-4.5 hrs
- Technicality: Novice
- Fitness Level: Easy
Pink line is the actual track I took which was recorded by my GPS.
Stanley Glacier | 2009-01-17
Interesting. You can tell how windy it can be in mountains.
Stanley Glacier | 2009-01-17
Dried out and died but its still standing.
Stanley Glacier | 2009-01-17
West side of Stanley Peak. Reminds me of Castle Mountain.
Stanley Glacier | 2009-01-17
Mount Whymper. It was funny that everywhere else was clear and sunny but here. Everything was covered by heavy fog when I started hiking, but as I went higher the fog started disappearing. As I started descent, fog appeared again. I was there at the right time.
Stanley Glacier | 2009-01-17
The peak on the left is unnamed. The right is Stanley Peak. These peaks are Great Divide. Usually I hike the other side, Alberta side, but today I am on BC side.
Stanley Glacier | 2009-01-17
Side face of Stanley Peak. Right side is not the peak, it's actually lower even though it looks taller.
Stanley Glacier | 2009-01-17
Proof snapshot that I was there.
Stanley Glacier | 2009-01-17
Notice how dark the valley is. Even though the sun was at as high as it can be, it wasn't high enough to bring the light over the peaks.