Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Ostracized Peak
- Location: Crowsnest Pass
- Activity: Scrambling
- Height: 2,485 m (8,153 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,090 m (3,576 ft)
- Distance: 5.8 km / One Way (3.6 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 10.6°
- Estimated Time: 2.5-4 hrs
- Technicality: Advanced
- Fitness Level: Moderate
Above stats are one way to Ostracized Peak. For full stats for entire traverse, please see page 14.
I took a different route from Kane’s route due to a creek being jowaaaa and guraaaa and I was too scared to walk across the creek with skinhead situation log bridge (page 2). I have to say the log was about 3 m long, but that intense flow of water and the nearly flooded creek wasn’t something I wanted to mess with. If I have to dip myself someday it would have been here. My car was only 70 m away, and my Canadian family’s house was only 10 min away from here, but still I chickened out. ( ノД`) So instead I came up with east slope route.
I parked at Info Center’s parking lot, but a better place was park near old logging road which I used for descent where I marked as “Suggested Parking”. Now before I get in trouble, I have to mention that you need to tell lease holder before you use this road which I also found out on the way back (contact info is in page 3). Thanks to this road, I didn’t have to do any bushwhacking at all (at least on the way back). At waypoint “Turn Left 1”, there was a gate with the same please contact sign. The road continued (pink line), but there was a cutline which I could use for shortcut (red line). Either way you will come across a t-intersection. Go west and follow the road, eventually the road becomes a single track trail and that will lead to bottom of east slope. From there it becomes go-wherever-you-want-to-go base.
I nicknamed a peak between Sentry Mountain and Chinook Peak, “Ostracized Peak” at GR710966, since it is the only major peak without a name among Flathead Range peaks which can be seen from highway. Poor dude. This peak is somewhat easy/moderate scramble. On the other hand, I say Sentry Mountain is downgraded to easy scramble from this route.
If you are to try my route, I recommend using my descent route (red line) which is more efficient route.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
I enjoyed scramble at Smuts, but I was too scared here. For this, I think Kane's route should be rated super difficult. (ノTдT)ノ
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Contact info before using this road.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Feels like summer already. Oh wait, the longest day is in few more days, which means summer is almost over!!
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
2 peaks on the right were my objectives.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Some reason trail went under tree instead of logged open space.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
East slope and Ostracized/Sentry col. I used the snow for decent. According to my GPS, I lost 900 m in 10 min. Awesome!!
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Chinook Peak far behind. What appears to be a summit is a minor summit before Ostracized Peak.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
BC side. Looks like snow is still at treeline or even below. I suspect Waterton and Castle are the same deal. Peaks along highway 3 except Tecumseh are like peaks in Canmore. They get in shape quickly but as soon as you go farther north, south or into BC, it's a different story.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Walking towards Ostracized from the col.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Last 70 m is easy/moderate scramble.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
At the summit. Mouseover for the peak pointer.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Crowsnest and Seven Sisters.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Again last 70 m was the most difficult section. Still easy scramble though.
Ostracized Peak to Sentry Mountain | 2011-06-12
Summit view. Flathead Range still need to be explorered more!!