East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge
- Location: Banff National Park
- Activity: Ski Touring
- Height: 2,563 m (8,409 ft)
- Elevation Gain: 1,200 m (3,937 ft)
- Distance: 19.5 km / Round Trip (12.1 mi)
- Avg Steepness: 7.0°
- Estimated Time: 5-7 hrs
- Technicality: Advanced
- Fitness Level: Athlete
I was once again invited to a ski trip from Benther (Ben & Heather). So I joined and went to east ridge of Panorama Ridge in Banff.
Unlike the scramble route to Panorama Ridge in Kane’s book, for east ridge we started from Taylor Lake parking lot after Castle junction. We followed Taylor Lake trail for most of the way until near the lake where it’s flattened out. We skied east side of the lake towards NW (page 4). At this point view opened up and we could see very impressive cliff face of Mount Bell and Panorama. On the other hand, east ridge of Panorama was a gentle hill (page 7). The ridge continued all the way to higher points of Panorama Ridge but it looked very difficult. Probably beyond scrambling level. Anyway that wasn’t the objective for this trip. We settled at a very small peak on the ridge.
I have to say the route really did highlight the advantage of ski ascent this time. Descent was super fast and with no efforts required (Well except I went off trail and had to take skis off to back up to the trail… errorrrrrrrrrrrrr). The skis simply kept running.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
Finally under sun. When it's -30, warmth of sunlight is much appreciated.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
Near Taylor Lake. Panorama Ridge. East ridge is one on the right.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
Protection Mountain and Castle Mountain.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
Panorama Ridge looks so impressive from this side.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
Some rocky section but most of the way was snow covered.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
At ridge top. Right about where Heather is to all the way to right is all Panorama Ridge. Peak left of Heather is Mount Bell.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
Benther at a small summit. I was wondering that looked like something… Now I know it's a micro Ha Ling Peak!
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
Another panorama of Panorama. Map says below is Larch meadows. Maybe it's pretty in fall.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
Looking far north, Skoki area.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
Group pic. From left: me, Heather, and Ben.
East Ridge of Panorama Ridge | 2010-12-18
I don't want to fall there…