The Dypolts | 2006-05-19
Just around a corner of my neighborhood, I find a beautiful flowers. Spring is here in Canada too.
Just around a corner of my neighborhood, I find a beautiful flowers. Spring is here in Canada too.
Amazing what a little life like this can achieve.
Here is Stella, lol
Ok alright, here is better picture of her. I sometimes call her Marie cuz she's like Marie from Everybody loves Raymond show. She just keeps me filling with food and snacks. No matter if it is only 30 minutes after dinner, she brings food. Are you trying to kill me?
Here is Milt. He works at a mine and that is why he's wearing head light even when he is at home. Hehe, well actually we had blackout.
And here is Launa and her future husband Dan, the bravest man on the earth. My advice to him, just don't make Launa mad or there will be a dent on your truck's door.
This is where I sleep when I come here.
Look what I found at their home. My sweet high school sweat shirt. I was actually wondering where did this shirt go. Aha it was here for last 10 years.