Whereabouts | 2005-06-03
My mom went to Hawaii AGAIN to attend quilt lesson. She's slacking off cooking my meal!
My mom went to Hawaii AGAIN to attend quilt lesson. She's slacking off cooking my meal!
My boring 28th birthday. Going to work.
At age of 5, Aska is already learning how to drink beer.
Our garden became a jungle. Where's Tarzan?
As always while my mom doing gardening, I only watch my mom and get bored. So I took picture of myself.
After my mom cultivated the jangle, it looked so much better. Now she can build a house.
Aska was excited to feed fish. It would have been so much more exciting if I could throw her off the canoe and run away.
Aska was scared to catch dying fish. What a chicken. Poor fish.
Her project from Hawaii trip was finally done.
Grandma & mom
My mom & her sisters. Not the young lady just in case if you are dumb. She's my cousin and she's bad. She have watched my total naked before.