Family Diary | 2003-09-14
Unhappy cat, Kiki.
Unhappy cat, Kiki.
Aska came to my house.
Aska is too busy to play, she wasn't aware of extreme danger behind her.
Happy grand mom.
Scared cat, Kiki.
At work, Yossy is editing a video for our Web site. He is not the guy in the TV show, Smallville.
My cursed computer. IT people from Canon found 72 virus from this machine. They said this was one of worst 3 computers they have looked at. After I reinstalled the whole thing, I found 32 more from external hard drive that I use and I still get email with virus files attached everyday.
My family's new car. While I drove suicidal car in US, my parents drove reliable cars just like this one.
This car has a navigation system installed, and one of its function is voice recognition.
Aska wearing the dad's ugly hat.